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Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

Journey Beyond Divorce is the leading on-line or in-person source for the best divorce coaches to assist you through your difficult transition. These podcasts by Karen McMahon and her team are designed to help you better understand the process. For more information, visit:

Sep 10, 2021

Welcome to today’s episode of “Mastering the Practices of Curiosity and Surrender” with my special guest Adina Tovell.  As you enter and settle into your life after divorce, Adina invites you to consider where your thoughts take you each you live in fear and judgement or do you slip into curiosity and inquiry?  We examine the limits of one and expansiveness of the other and share specific strategies and questions so you can begin the practice of curiosity in all your affairs.


Along with curiosity, comes Surrender.  Adina and I discuss what Surrender is and is not and how practicing it opens you to possibility.  We invite you to notice that when you are suffering, you are most likely ‘white knuckling' an outcome you desire.  We explore the powerful changes that occur when you put in the effort and then truly surrender.  The practice of Surrender provokes a trust or belief that what unfolds is always happening for us, not to us.


Adina Tovell is a Life and Leadership Coach, Podcast Host and Internationally recognized curiosity advocate. Through almost three decades of working with people, Adina has discovered the power of Curiosity to heal, catalyze growth, and achieve sustainable levels of happiness and contentment. She is the CEO of Courage to be Curious, host of Courage to be Curious with Adina Tovell podcast and creator of the LIVE, LEAD and LOVE with the Courage to be Curious card decks.



Instagram @CouragetobeCurious

Twitter @CurisotySpeaks

Facebook - Courage to be Curious

Linked In - @Adina Tovell, @CouragetobeCurious


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