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Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

Journey Beyond Divorce is the leading on-line or in-person source for the best divorce coaches to assist you through your difficult transition. These podcasts by Karen McMahon and her team are designed to help you better understand the process. For more information, visit:

Aug 30, 2023

If you are going through a divorce - or contemplating taking this step - and you have children, this podcast is for you.

There are many who hold the position that divorce harms children. There is also a lot of information out there that claims this is not necessarily true. Under the best circumstances, children can...

Aug 24, 2023

When living with and divorcing a dysfunctional high conflict personality is fraught with triggering experiences and reactive engagements. And this dynamic didn’t start with your marriage, it began earlier in life with trauma that ‘set you up’ to be in a high conflict relationship. So how do you regulate your...

Aug 22, 2023

While navigating divorce, fear of the unknown often drives us to replace our uncertainty with a catastrophic worst case scenario about our future. However, our greatest fears rarely come true. Today’s session is designed to provide you with hope and encouragement as you hear one woman’s journey from fear...

Aug 18, 2023

The way we communicate will make or break our divorce. It will move us closer to what we desire or farther away. It will invite curiosity and compromise or judgement and destruction.

In order to be able to communicate with mastery, we need to first be aware of our triggers and ways of behaving under stress. We also need...

Aug 16, 2023

Entering the legal process of any divorce feels frightening and overwhelming. For those entering high conflict divorce, the fear and confusion is escalated due to years of living in a dysfunctional marriage and the complexities involved when divorcing a high conflict personality.

There is often a greater need to be in...