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Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

Journey Beyond Divorce is the leading on-line or in-person source for the best divorce coaches to assist you through your difficult transition. These podcasts by Karen McMahon and her team are designed to help you better understand the process. For more information, visit:

Jan 31, 2022

Today’s show acknowledges the tender emotions you experience while negotiating custody. We encourage you to notice the nightmare stories that create fear and tension, derailing your negotiations. Our guest, Josh Hecht, shares strategies to cut through the acrimony, negotiate for both the current and the long term...

Jan 28, 2022

In this episode Karen and Lisa discuss the role faith plays in being able to feel divorce pain and fear yet regain and reignite composure again and again.

The awareness of an impending divorce emerges slowly, giving time to prepare as much as possible or seems to show up out of nowhere. Regardless of how divorce shows...

Jan 24, 2022

In today’s show we discuss how to choose the best legal approach with your children’s mental and emotional health front and center. Children can experience significant emotional damage as a result of divorce, but they don’t have to.

While it is understandable that you want to fight for your fair share of time with...

Jan 19, 2022

Marilyn struggled in her high conflict marriage and with a 2 year old toddler she made the difficult and often criticized decision to divorce. Her ex was certain he would win primary custody and a large portion of her assets which she brought into the marriage. As the primary earner, her fear of both finances...

Jan 17, 2022

Today's show focuses on your children and how you can parent through divorce in a way that protects them from the animosity between you and your spouse and honors their rights. We talk with Dr. Mark Banschick, a child psychiatrist who share the negative impact and long term affects children experience when parents...