Oct 30, 2020
Parental Alienation is a persistent, consistent rejection of a parent caused by the actions of the other parent. It is a form of domestic violence and child abuse as the child has been manipulated to reject one parent. The psychological impact this has on the child is severe. The child develops a psychological split....
Oct 23, 2020
Steve was trapped in a high conflict marriage for a long time. He knew he had to get out when he "didn't even want to be in the same zip code" with his wife. He reached out for coaching support when the constant barrage of texts and emails filled with contention and accusation was hijacking his every day. He...
Oct 16, 2020
When negotiating child custody in a high conflict divorce, parents sometimes need the assistance of a custody evaluator to help determine the best shared parenting schedule and decision making responsibilities. If that is the path you are on, understanding the role of a custody evaluator and how to best prepare for...
Oct 9, 2020
With a history of graduating from an ivy league school and being a Wall St financial powerhouse and global traveler, Kristen was stopped in her tracks as she began bearing children and dealing with the abuse of her narcissistic husband. Kristen shares the complexities of letting go of her career to raise their...
Oct 2, 2020
When children are involved in high conflict divorces, often additional experts are brought in regardless of your legal approach. Today we speak with a heart centered attorney who represents children in high conflict divorces. You will learn when an attorney for the child or guardian ad litem is needed. We discuss how...